Milling up of wax in Modella

Posted by Nadeem Ahmed on August 24, 2014

Today we Tried Milling of wax using modella for making moulds.

While using wax we have to keep it in mind about all the dimensions and also have to keep some overheads while making one , we also have to take the milling bit length inro account The parameter in FabModules is clearance which take account of the mill length. We learned to make a design using the tool antimony and so as to export it to heightmap which is a .png file format using the fab modules and following the instructions in the fab interface will result in milling on the wax thats placed on the modella before milling we have to care about setting the orgin the fab module interface by correcting x and y co-ordinates accordingly,After rough cut and smooth cut we can take the requied design and proceed further for moulding and casting

These are images taken during the process