Today we will deal with Programming and an intro to Arduino IDE, i had a arduino with me , thats all i did since its my remote week that helped me all the way at the time when i am boared , my arduino helped me to catch up with them
- Basics about programming
- Programming. 3 paths depending on proficiency:
- Add Author, date, description and license
- Always comment your code
- Init and loop parts
- Digital output
- Analog output (PWM)
- Digital input
- Analog input (ADC) 8 bit/10bit
- Pull up down resistors (10k)
- Multitasking? Polling
- Debounce buttons
- Beginners: Arduino IDE
- Intermediates: C
- Advanced: Assembly
- Why C?
- Why Assembly?
- Assignment
- Make LED blink
- Serial communication (send something to computer, read something from computer)
- You need a communication channel between your board and the interface program
- Computer interface
- Smartphone interface (Bluetooth connection)
- Assignment
- Serial connection
- Bluetooth
- Internet connection
- Processing
- Python
- Webapp
- Webapp MIT App Inventor 2
- Android App: MIT AI2 Companion Google Play Store
- Requirements
- Micro USB to USB cable (phone cable)
- USB hub
- USB to TTL converter (Inventory)
- Install MIT App Inventor in computer and phone
- Create an interface with a button and Indicator
- Control the indicator with the board button
- Control the board LED with the interface button