Day 5

Becoming Familier with the machines-VINYL CUTTER

Posted by on August 24, 2014

Today we Started using fablab mechines, Today we are familiarzing with the vinyl cutter

Using CUPS we created a new profile for the vinyl cutter. Care has to be taken while naming the device, it should be “vinyl” and it is case sensitive. Give the following specifications while forming the printer profile

  1. Make: RAW
  2. Model: RAW

Fransisco explained how to use vinyl mechine with minute detail,then asked everyone of us to create our own.I choosed to create a laptop sticker of superman first i have made the design and printed the same after that i have to carefully remove the rest of the sticker other than my design and with the use of a double side tape pasting on the other side, I have just made my first vinyl sticker.